One of my favorite technical conferences is CiscoLive. Not only is it a great technical experience but it is a lot of fun. The different teams at Cisco really know how to put on a great in-person experience. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic CiscoLive 2020 is going to be all digital. The experience is not going to be the same but that does not mean the people at Cisco are going to just phone (or Webex) it in. I have been working with some of the teams and have some insider information that I can share.

There are a lot of people working very hard to get the digital experience just right. The good news is that they are backed by a company that has people with technical knowledge. The show is going to be mainly a 2 day event on June 2-3, 2020. Head on over to the event site ( for more information. This is going to be an intensive watch session of videos and streams designed to have something for everyone.
For anyone that has attended CiscoLive before, you can expect the same type of content. Cisco is grouping their sessions into different channels: IT Heroes, Possibilities, IT Leadership, and Innovation. The IT Heroes Channel is all about technology and is the one to watch if you want those technical deep dives. The Possibilities Channel will include content from Cisco Executives and other IT technology leaders. The IT Leadership Channel is going to be about business acumen. Finally, the Innovation Channel is going to be about IT solutions and strategies that are essential to businesses. The actual content is being built so it is still in flux. I will try to get more information on the content.
Those 2 days are not all of it. Just like previous years, there will be on-demand videos posted later so you can watch content that you were not able to during the live event. Or re-watch those technical sessions because there will be some advanced concepts.
I did mention that I had some insider information. Being announced shortly are the contests. This will include social media contests for best business keynote insight and content for each day. This year, there is going to be a contest for best virtual hat with voting to be performed by the community. There will even be contests for best social conversations. There will be contests for blog posts. For all of the contests, make sure to use the new hashtag (#CiscoLive) so your tweets and posts can be seen. But will there be prizes? Most definitely and some pretty good ones ranging from Amazon Echo to Apple TVs to phone sanitizers. There may even be some passes to next year’s in-person event. But there one prize that is going to be the envy of all: a personalized CiscoLive bobblehead and a digital cape. There are only going to be a small number of those bobbleheads so get your social media fingers ready.
Get ready for the event on June 2-3 by heading over to event site ( This event is going to be free for everyone but you have to sign up. If you need some help with being a great remote attendee, you can check out my previous post. Finally, stay tuned for more insider information that I can pull out of the teams working on the event. They are busy making sure this will be an awesome remote experience.